
Ever heard the saying, “faster, better, or cheaper; pick two cuz you can’t have all three”? Well, we call bullsh*t. At Get Logistics, we focus on leveraging technology to make all three a possibility.

GETlogistics technology

Some of our tools

GET Insights

Interactive web dashboards that illuminate your supply chain to drive savings.

GET Tech

Our internal Transportation Management System uses tech to keep your costs down.

GET Optimized

Technology supported decision making to ensure low cost, high-quality carrier and routing selection.

GET Updates

Automated email updates on shipments.

GET Data

Automated and on-demand reporting.

GET Info

Client web portal with all shipment information and documents.

GET Linked

Real-time information and streamlined processing via Edi Integration with both carriers and client TMS’s.

We believe technology and people need to come together to do more. That’s why we developed GET Insights. With GET Insights, clients are able to see their supply chain as a whole, slice and dice the data on demand, and work with our team to identify major savings opportunities. Changing carriers or freight forwarders can’t save major money. Improving the design will; it can impact real change in soft costs and hard costs. So let’s stop focusing on the trucks and start focusing on logistics.

GETlogistics technology

We use our system to gather and consolidate Information, analyze the datasets to generate Insights, and act on those insights as a team to recognize Efficiencies.